
Village Soup

Knox and Waldo VillageSoup, locally dubbed TheSoup, is an experiment bringing immediate information and interactions to weekly newspaper markets. It exemplifies a new business model going beyond the Community News business to the Community Hosting business. Knox and Waldo VillageSoup and its affiliated weekly newspapers are charter members of VillageSoup Common, a for-profit member organization…

Knox and Waldo VillageSoup, locally dubbed TheSoup, is an experiment bringing immediate information and interactions to weekly newspaper markets. It exemplifies a new business model going beyond the Community News business to the Community Hosting business. Knox and Waldo VillageSoup and its affiliated weekly newspapers are charter members of VillageSoup Common, a for-profit member organization providing brand and brand-marketing, deployment, hosting, support, education and enhancement services to independent local media companies serving traditional weekly newspaper markets.

Knox and Waldo VillageSoup, locally dubbed TheSoup, is an experiment bringing immediate information and interactions to weekly newspaper markets. It exemplifies a new business model going beyond the Community News business to the Community Hosting business. Knox and Waldo VillageSoup and its affiliated weekly newspapers are charter members of VillageSoup Common, a for-profit member organization providing brand and brand-marketing, deployment, hosting, support, education and enhancement services to independent local media companies serving traditional weekly newspaper markets.
