
Broadcast TV profits plunge

Profits at Canada’s biggest private television broadcasters plunged by almost 93 per cent last year, said a report from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.

Amid comments about the Canadian Press story on the Globe and Mail site (why does the Globe not at least rate the angry torrent of drivel?) is this sage observation:

“The industry did it to themselves thinking they were going to make a killing with convergence and the regulator was too stupid to let them do it to themselves … the paying public does not want more of the same cr@p repeated over and over again on the internet, radio, TV, and newspaper.”

Simplistic, yes, but perhaps at the root of much the downturn — we have enough, already.

Profits at Canada’s biggest private television broadcasters plunged by almost 93 per cent last year, said a report from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.

Amid comments about the Canadian Press story on the Globe and Mail site (why does the Globe not at least rate the angry torrent of drivel?) is this sage observation:

“The industry did it to themselves thinking they were going to make a killing with convergence and the regulator was too stupid to let them do it to themselves … the paying public does not want more of the same cr@p repeated over and over again on the internet, radio, TV, and newspaper.”

Simplistic, yes, but perhaps at the root of much the downturn — we have enough, already.
