Carleton University seeking assistant professor (communication and health) for tenure-track position
Carleton University's School of Communication and Journalism is seeking an assistant professor with an expertise in communication and health for a tenure-track position
Carleton University's School of Communication and Journalism is seeking an assistant professor with an expertise in communication and health for a tenure-track position. From the job posting:
The Communication Studies Program of the School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University invites applications from qualified candidates for a preliminary [tenure-track] position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the beginning July 1, 2013.
Candidates must possess a Ph.D. in Communication or a cognate discipline. Candidates will have demonstrated excellence in teaching and a commitment to research and scholarship. Successful candidates will be able to participate effectively in both undergraduate and graduate teaching and supervision, as well as demonstrate a long-term research program.
The Communication Studies Program is seeking candidates who can demonstrate teaching experience and research expertise in the area of Communication and Health. Health is one of Carleton University’s four interdisciplinary strategic themes and an area of considerable research strength. Applicants who also have expertise in one of the other three strategic areas, and/or ability to teach methods courses will be given particular consideration. The other strategic themes are: New Digital Media, Global Identities and Globalization, and Sustainability and the Environment.
More information, including details surrounding deadlines and application packages, can be found on Carleton's website.