
Ellingsen met with journalists, jury hears

Vancouver 24 Hours reports the Crown’s key witness said she secretly met with journalists while the Pickton murder trial was in full swing. It happened just weeks before she took the stand, and about a month-and-a-half after she allegedly threatened her RCMP handlers that she would take her story to the media. Lynn Ellingsen said…

Vancouver 24 Hours reports the Crown’s key witness said she secretly met with journalists while
the Pickton murder trial was in full swing. It happened just weeks
before she took the stand, and about a month-and-a-half after she
allegedly threatened her RCMP handlers that she would take her story to the media.

Lynn Ellingsen said she met with a man named Bilbo, and “a guy named Jon. Jon Woodward”; in May, in her motel room.

Vancouver 24 Hours reports the Crown’s key witness said she secretly met with journalists while
the Pickton murder trial was in full swing. It happened just weeks
before she took the stand, and about a month-and-a-half after she
allegedly threatened her RCMP handlers that she would take her story to the media.


Lynn Ellingsen said she met with a man named Bilbo, and “a guy named Jon. Jon Woodward”; in May, in her motel room.

Patricia W. Elliott is a magazine journalist and assistant professor at the School of Journalism, University of Regina. You can visit her at patriciaelliott.ca.