J-Source is extending the deadline of our gender diversity survey

In August, J-Source launched a national survey of women, transgender and non-binary journalists in Canada. This project aims to gather information about these individuals’ experiences working in Canada’s newsrooms, and the type of employment they hold.

The response so far has been strong. But in our efforts to collect the most thorough data set we can, we have decided to extend the deadline for collecting data to Nov. 30.

This survey will provide crucial and otherwise unknown information about the representation and experiences of women, transgender and non-binary journalists in Canada’s newsrooms, as well as a benchmark that the news industry can look to as managers seek to improve hiring practices, and that J-Source can later revisit to measure progress.

Given the variety of employment arrangements that characterize journalistic work, this survey is open to women, transgender and/or non-binary individual who work in journalism. All research participants in this survey will remain completely anonymous, unless they specifically give consent or permission to be identified. The data collected from this survey will only be viewed by the research team. This survey will take about 20 minutes to complete.

This survey is one of four surveys that is being distributed to individuals working in journalism in Canada to obtain data about gender representation and diversity in Canadian journalism workplaces. If you are a woman, transgender and/or non-binary journalism professor or instructor working in a journalism department at a Canadian college or university, please contact us at jsourcereportingfellow@gmail.com to receive a copy of a survey tailored for you. If you are a newsroom manager or journalism program chair and can provide demographic details about your workplace, please contact us at jsourcereportingfellow@gmail.com to receive a copy of the demographics survey.

This project is funded at arms length by CWA-Canada, a national union representing media workers. The output of this research will be a series of articles focused on different elements of gender and journalistic work as well as a long-form article outlining the survey’s statistical findings. These articles will be published on J-Source and CWA Canada’s blogs in late 2018 or early 2019.

J-Source is grateful for the insights provided by a variety of groups and individuals during the development of this survey, including Tristan and D of the Gender Variant Working Group, The 519 and Dr. Nicole Cohen (University of Toronto). All final decisions about this survey were made by the J-Source research team.

Read more and complete the survey here.

If you have any questions about any element of this project, please e-mail, Sabrina Wilkinson, research lead, at jsourcereportingfellow@gmail.com, or Steph Wechsler, interim managing editor of J-Source, at steph@j-source.ca.


Sabrina Wilkinson is the J-Source/CWA Canada Reporting Fellow. She is also a doctoral researcher at Goldsmiths, University of London where she investigates the politics of internet policy in Canada.