Support J-Source on Giving Tuesday 2020

We’re at the tail end of a difficult year for just about everyone, everywhere. But despite all the challenges, J-Source has been focused on our future plans. We have the opportunity to translate a long-held vision into an expanded mandate. 

One dimension of that growth is the Canada Press Freedom Project, an initiative underway with the support of the 2020 Michener-L. Richard O’Hagan Fellowship for Journalism Education. It will provide Canada’s only source  of  ongoing data, analysis and educational tools on press freedom incursions and violations across the country. The CPFP website, database and inaugural report are all in the works for 2021.

There’s another piece of our plans we’re also excited about, but for that, we need your help. 

Since its launch in 2007, J-Source has relied on a network of academics and engaged supporters who study journalism and journalism practice to support us through editorial direction and written contributions as part of their research activities. 

Now J-Source is fundraising to expand those roles through an expanded editorial roster.  

Between the issues, demands and crises of the industry, there is a glut of journalistic talent, expertise and innovation outside of the academic world, which we consider an equally valuable resource for our audience.  

This Giving Tuesday, J-Source wants to raise $25,000 to provide compensation for a redefined editorial committee, to develop regular content on issues from innovation and race to technology and labour, as well as continue to build the fund we use to pay J-Source’s freelance contributors.

Giving Tuesday on Dec. 1 is the perfect opportunity for you to support J-Source through Carleton University’s FutureFunder program. Whether you can help us with $5 or $500, Carleton will issue a tax receipt for everything you donate and match contributions received on a first-come, first-served basis starting at 12:01 a.m. EST on Tuesday up to a dollar limit that will be reached some time during the day, doubling the benefit for J-Source particularly if you make your donation early!

All the money you contribute through the Giving Tuesday FutureFunder campaign goes to J-Source. There are no administrative or overhead charges applied by Carleton that might reduce the value of your donation. 

Please make your donation here through the Carleton FutureFunder site. This is your chance to help us expand the field of journalism about journalism.

Thank you for your contribution and your continuing support. 

Chris Waddell

