Tag / disinformation
In the Ukraine conflict, fake fact-checks are being used to spread disinformation
Researchers at Clemson University’s Media Forensics Hub and ProPublica identified more than a dozen videos that purport to debunk apparently nonexistent Ukrainian fakes Continue Reading In the Ukraine conflict, fake fact-checks are being used to spread disinformation
Could a dedicated disinformation beat help address the infodemic in Canada?
From vaccine hesitancy to the rise of far-right extremism, COVID-19 has mainstreamed conspiracy theories at an astonishing rate, with devastating impacts — but the handful of reporters and researchers addressing them in Canada say they don’t have the resources to respond to the country’s dis- and misinformation crisis alone Continue Reading Could a dedicated disinformation beat help address the infodemic in Canada?
Operation Infektion 2.0? State-sponsored journalism and disinformation
How do democracies deal with disinformation that is indistinguishable from journalism? Continue Reading Operation Infektion 2.0? State-sponsored journalism and disinformation