VIDEO: A new leaf—The future of Canadian cannabis reporting

Canadian journalists have been covering cannabis for some time now. But as the legalization date on Oct. 17 nears, outlets across the country are ramping up their coverage of the marijuana industry.

News coverage on cannabis has grown exponentially alongside the industry that produces it. Between hiring designated cannabis reporters, allocating entire sections to cannabis and even creating cannabis countdowns, news agencies have established an entirely fresh beat.

The second-quarter National Cannabis Survey data shows that about 4.6 million people nationally, or close to 16 per cent of Canadians aged 15 years or older, reported using cannabis in the past three-months. But the effect of cannabis is far greater throughout Canada as it pertains to research, health, policy and the economy.

Reporters have just scratched the surface of what is to be uncovered in the world of pot journalism. Canada is only the second country in the world after Uruguay to legalize the consumption and sale of marijuana and with that, comes an endless source of stories as Canadians welcome A New Leaf.


Spencer Turcotte is J-Source's summer reporter/researcher. He can be reached at, and on Twitter @turcottespencer.