
World Food Day on community radio

Montreal, October 21th, 2010  –  The World Association of
Community Radio Broadcasters, AMARC covered the World Food Day, on
October 16th, 2010 with a 24-hour Worldwide
Webcast emphasizing this year theme: United Against Hunger. Listen to the
programs of the international webcast at http://www.amarc.org/index.php?p=World_Food_Day_2010

Montreal, October 21th, 2010  –  The World Association of
Community Radio Broadcasters, AMARC covered the World Food Day, on
October 16th, 2010 with a 24-hour Worldwide
Webcast emphasizing this year theme: United Against Hunger. Listen to the
programs of the international webcast at http://www.amarc.org/index.php?p=World_Food_Day_2010


Patricia W. Elliott is a magazine journalist and assistant professor at the School of Journalism, University of Regina. You can visit her at patriciaelliott.ca.