Year / 2013
«Le plus grand danger, c’est l’imprévisible»
Projet J s’est entretenu avec Martin Forgues ce matin alors même qu’il bouclait ses bagages. Le journaliste s’envole ce soir pour l’Afghanistan après avoir couvert en janvier dernier l’opération militaire française au…
A journalist’s guide to searching on Twitter
Sun Media's national community manager Monique Beech offers her advice on how to search through tweets and the multiple search options.
La soirée électorale vue par les journalistes
C'est devenu un rituel maintenant, les soirées électorales se déroulent aussi sur Twitter. Faits saillants et premières analyses sur les comptes des journalistes sur le terrain.
Municipales: le poids média ne se transfère pas dans l’urne
C’est donc Denis Coderre qui prendra les clés de l’Hôtel de Ville de Montréal le 14 novembre prochain. Une victoire moins nette que ce que prévoyaient les derniers sondages, remportée au terme…
10 tips for the savvy environmental journalist
Science and environmental issues can be challenging for the public to understand due to the technical language and complexity, so journalists should act as translators by using clear, concise language and relevant…
Journalist fights back against Furlong media ‘onslaught’
Laura Robinson will ask a judge to quash former Vancouver 2010 Olympics CEO John Furlong's defamation lawsuit against her, according to a statement issued Oct. 30 by her lawyer.
Opinion: Canada’s access-to-information system is going downhill and fast
Canada’s Information Commissioner, Suzanne Legault, is hopeful the government will listen to her pleas for reform, but J-Source Ideas editor and CBC investigative journalist David McKie says journalists shouldn’t hold their breath.
Vancouver Sun leads with 5 wins at Jack Webster Awards
The Vancouver Sun led the pack with five wins at the Jack Webster Awards. The awards acknowledge excellence in journalism in British Columbia.
Journalism vindicated: Police chief says crack video is real
Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair says the police service has in its possession a video that allegedly shows Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine. Over the past six months, since the news broke…
Public editor: Rob Ford and ‘crack cocaine’ video – Now, do you believe the Star?
Police verification of Mayor Rob Ford 'crack cocaine' video is vindication for the Toronto Star – and for journalism, writes the newspaper's public editor Kathy English.