
In the dumps

Have we hit bottom yet? Two recent media business developments suggest not. La Presse will no longer publish on Sundays, effective June 28, reported the Globe and Mail. Standard and Poor Poor’s deleted Torstar Corp. from its Canadian composite index, effective Monday June 15. (The rating agency deleted Canwest earlier.)  Have we hit bottom yet?…

Have we hit bottom yet? Two recent media business developments suggest not.

La Presse will no longer publish on Sundays, effective June 28, reported the Globe and Mail.

Standard and Poor Poor’s deleted Torstar Corp. from its Canadian composite index, effective Monday June 15. (The rating agency deleted Canwest earlier.)

Have we hit bottom yet? Two recent media business developments suggest not.

La Presse will no longer publish on Sundays, effective June 28, reported the Globe and Mail.

Standard and Poor Poor’s deleted Torstar Corp. from its Canadian composite index, effective Monday June 15. (The rating agency deleted Canwest earlier.)
