
It’s awards season

For some lucky journalists, this is the most wonderful time of the year: award season. In the next couple of weeks, winners of the National Magazine Awards, the Western Magazine Awards, the Kenneth R. Wilson Awards, and the Michener Award will all be announced. And of course, the Canadian Journalism Foundation will announce its award…

For some lucky journalists, this is the most wonderful time of the year: award season. In the next couple of weeks, winners of the National Magazine Awards, the Western Magazine Awards, the Kenneth R. Wilson Awards, and the Michener Award will all be announced. And of course, the Canadian Journalism Foundation will announce its award winners at its annual gala June 7. That’s not to mention the many journos who’ve already received much-deserved pats-on-the back these past few weeks after the National Newspaper Awards and the Canadian Association of Journalism Awards were both announced on the same weekend. Want to know more about what’s going through the judges’ minds when they score entries? Read all about the criteria for what they say makes excellent journalism. In the meantime, congratulations and good luck to everybody.

For some lucky journalists, this is the most wonderful time of the year: award season. In the next couple of weeks, winners of the National Magazine Awards, the Western Magazine Awards, the Kenneth R. Wilson Awards, and the Michener Award will all be announced. And of course, the Canadian Journalism Foundation will announce its award winners at its annual gala June 7. That’s not to mention the many journos who’ve already received much-deserved pats-on-the back these past few weeks after the National Newspaper Awards and the Canadian Association of Journalism Awards were both announced on the same weekend. Want to know more about what’s going through the judges’ minds when they score entries? Read all about the criteria for what they say makes excellent journalism. In the meantime, congratulations and good luck to everybody.
