
J-Links for July 18: Reddit investigates Scarborough shooting; SlutWalkTO shuts down Sun News’ interview request; Argentinean media’s divide

Today’s media links from Canada and beyond: CRTC approves CBC to end analog transmitters, the Scarborough shooting investigation by a Reddit user, why SlutWalkTO is refusing interview requests from Sun News and Argentinean media’s divide over President. And today’s read: A Montreal woman who got deported on the same day as her brain surgery had…

Today’s media links from Canada and beyond: CRTC approves CBC to end analog transmitters, the Scarborough shooting investigation by a Reddit user, why SlutWalkTO is refusing interview requests from Sun News and Argentinean media’s divide over President. And today’s read: A Montreal woman who got deported on the same day as her brain surgery had a top neurosurgeon vouching for her. 


In Canadian media:

CBC puts an end to all analog transmitters

The rebroadcasting stations CBIT Sydney, N.S. and CBKST Saskatoon, Sask. will have their licences revoked effective August 1 since the CRTC approved CBC’s application to removal all analog transmitters. Another 23 CBC English and French language stations will also quit broadcasting as their licences will be revoked come August 1, as well.

Reddit user uses Twitter to investigate and report on Scarborough shooting

A Reddit user did some investigating in an effort to find out what really happened the night of — and days leading up to — Monday’s shooting in Scarborough. The user goes by the pseudonym BitchslappedByLogic, and used Tweets and Twitter accounts to piece the puzzle together.

Why SlutwalkTO is refusing Sun News’ interview requests

After covering a Muslim preacher who touted misogynistic views about sexual assault and the way women dress, Sun News reached out to advocacy group SlutWalkTO for an interview to get its take on the story. No way, said SlutWalkTO, citing the news organization’s previous practice of “victim-blaming and slut-shaming, likening women to ‘deer’ and men to hunters” as a few reasons for its refusal.



In international media:

Divide in Argentinean media sparked by President who is wary of media

Argentinean President Cristina Fernandez is criticized for refusing to answer questions raised by media at news conferences, thus media outlets rely on leaks and rumour, which has reduced journalists’ credibility. This has left the country’s media in a deep divide with one side that generally portrays Fernandez to be a power hungry President who mismanages the country’s affairs and the other side that says she is transforming the country for the better.


Today’s read:

Montreal woman deported same day as her scheduled brain surgery

A Montreal woman who arrived in Canada six-and-a-half years ago from India has been deported, along with her family, on the same day she was scheduled to have brain surgery.  Ravinder Kaur Arora has been living with epilepsy for almost 20 years and even though a top Montreal neurosurgeon appealed to delay her deportation, the Canadian border officials disagreed.



Angelina King is a freelance journalist who works as a reporter for CTV News Channel in Toronto. She previously reported for CTV in her hometown of Saskatoon and is a graduate of Ryerson University's journalism program. Angelina has a special interest in court and justice reporting, but is always grateful to share a human interest story. You can reach her at: @angelinakCTV.