ROB reporter Kevin Carmichael leaves the GlobeROB reporter Kevin Carmichael leaves the Globe
By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor
Kevin Carmichael, a business reporter based in Washington, D.C., left The Globe and Mail on Oct. 15.
Carmichael told J-Source in an email that he is moving to India on Monday and will write a weekly column for the Globe from Mumbai.
He has also joined the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) as a senior fellow.
“Kevin holds a unique understanding of international economic policies gained through an impressive career with leading news outlets,” said Domenico Lombardi, director of the global economy program at CIGI, in a press release. “From major players to major events, his writing and blogging will be of great benefit and value to CIGI’s work on the global economy.”
Carmichael will research and write policy briefs on major global economic governance summits, such as those held by the International Monetary Fund and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and BRICS meetings, as well as on major developments in the global economy.
“The financial crisis showed international institutions matter,” Carmichael said in the press release. “I have watched CIGI grow into a world-class think tank and I’m honoured to be joining its ranks.”
According to the press release, Carmichael has worked as business reporter for The Canadian Press and for Bloomberg News in Ottawa and Washington before joining the Globe in 2008.