Around the world: U.S. midterms and renewed Hong Kong protests the focus of Canadian world headlines
Canada’s print media remained focused on the U.S. midterm election results while online, broadcasters featured a spark lit among protesters in Hong Kong.
By Jake English, for the International Reporting Bureau at Humber College
Canadian media gave significant play to U.S. President Barack Obama’s conciliatory speech following Wednesday’s Republican electoral victories, as well as the renewed protests by dormant Hong Kong demonstrators.
The Toronto Star ran its continued coverage of the elections in the world section under the headline “Obama energized by GOP’s dominance in midterms.” The Washington placelined-story was reported by the Star’s U.S. correspondent Mitch Potter.
The Globe and Mail ran a front page story by Paul Koring titled “Obama, Republicans strike conciliatory note.” The report ran above the fold with a throw to the inside. The Globe’s Washington reporter noted that while both parties were promising to end gridlock on the Senate floor, the signs were not auspicious. New Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell had only ever met privately with Obama “once or twice” according to the Republican leader’s office staff.
[node:related]The National Post placed a story on Obama’s speech inside the world section with the headline “Compromise call after midterms.” The Associated Press story by David Espo and Julie Pace featured a photo of President Obama speaking yesterday at the White House.
CBC’s Neil Macdonald offered an online analysis piece of the Republican takeover under the headline “Republicans may have trouble making Washington’s hogs ‘squeal’.” The report topped the world section of the CBC news website.
A new spark among protestors in Hong Kong led CTV News’ online world section under the headline “Hong Kong protestors, police clash after weeks of calm.” The AP wire story detailed the pressure mounting on protestors by the Chinese government to abandon their stay in Hong Kong Central. The story ran with a photo from AP’s Vincent Yu of a lone man walking through the protestors’ encampment.
Global News also focused on the renewed protests in Hong Kong with a raw video that topped its world section showing demonstrators in conflict with police. The video was not attributed to any source.
CBC online placed its coverage of the protests among the “more headlines” section. The Reuters wire story ran under the headline “Hong Kong student protesters clash with police again,” and was coupled with a photo of pro-democracy protesters wearing masks resembling Guy Fawkes – the international symbol of revolution against oppression.