Canadian Business accepting applications for digital internship
The Canadian Business digital internship is an opportunity for early-career journalists to get real-world, on-the-job experience working on a busy daily business-news website.
Duration: 12 months (Approximately May 1, 2014 to April 30, 2015)
Pay: $2,000 per month
Application Deadline: Friday, March 14, 2014, 5 PM (EST)
The Canadian Business digital internship is an opportunity for early-career journalists to get real-world, on-the-job experience working on a busy daily business-news website.
Our interns are an integral part of the digital team, and are expected to contribute as such. This one-year internship will provide a thorough grounding in the basics of online journalism, with the chance to propose and pursue innovative digital journalism projects independently. operates with a small staff, so versatility, problem-solving and initiative are key qualities of successful candidates.
The digital intern’s duties primarily include: writing breaking coverage and timely analysis for; adapting existing magazine content to our digital properties; pursuing longer-form or multimedia digital-only stories; assisting with daily operations of the website, e-newsletters, social media and more; and pitching stories in regular editorial meetings. (Digital interns are encouraged to pitch ideas to the print magazine but web-based projects will take priority.)
While superior news judgment and writing skills are a must, we welcome applicants with interest and experience in other digital reporting tools and methods, including: video, audio, mapping, statistical analysis, data-driven journalism or other disciplines. In all cases, a desire to pursue business and financial journalism is neccessary.
Demonstrated experience with HTML, WordPress, and Photoshop is preferred. Candidates are encouraged to share any digital-first journalism they have done, in any medium. Surprise us.
This Canadian Business internship lasts 12 months, beginning May 1, 2014. Applications must be received by 5 pm (EST) on Friday, March 7, 2014.
To apply, e-mail a cover letter, resumé, a list of available references, and no more than five relevant clippings or URLs to Graham F. Scott, managing editor, digital, at graham dot scott (at) canadianbusiness dot com. No phone calls. Please minimize the use of attachments as much as is practical, and ensure URLs are active and accessible. We welcome all applications, but can only respond to candidates selected for an interview.
Tamara Baluja is an award-winning journalist with CBC Vancouver and the 2018 Michener-Deacon fellow for journalism education. She was the associate editor for J-Source from 2013-2014.