Carleton University is hiring an assistant professor
The School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University invites applications from qualified candidates for a preliminary (tenure-track) appointment in journalism at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning on July 1, 2012.
As taken from Carleton University's website:
The School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University invites applications from qualified candidates for a preliminary (tenure-track) appointment in journalism at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning on July 1, 2012.
Applicants should have a minimum of 10 years of experience in print, broadcast or multimedia journalism or a combination thereof with a graduate degree preferred in a relevant discipline. The successful candidate will be committed to effective teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, will contribute effectively to the academic life of the School as a committed faculty member, and be expected to develop a research program and profile, ideally involving one of Carleton’s strategic themes, namely Sustainability and the Environment, Health, New Digital Media, and Global Identities and Globalization.
The School is particularly interested in applicants with expertise in digital media who can teach journalism skills across multiple platforms consistent with the School’s long-term cross-media approach to journalism education that gives all its graduates a sound grounding in all major media forms. Experience in teaching introductory or advanced level courses in general reporting in print/online, video or audio journalism that incorporate digital and multimedia elements at both the undergraduate and graduate levels will be valuable. Of additional interest will be the ability to teach issues exploring the relationships among media, journalism and the broader society.
Carleton’s journalism program is Canada’s oldest. Three of the six degrees awarded at Carleton University’s first convocation in 1946 were Bachelors of Journalism. Instruction focuses on skills-based professional training in print, broadcast, multimedia and online with the undergraduate program also placing a strong emphasis on broader academic education in addition to journalism education. The School also offers a Master of Journalism program. Additionally, it offers B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. programs in Communication. The School has a combined enrolment of approximately 550 in journalism and 1,500 students overall. Alumni have gone on to be leaders in the fields of journalism, communications studies, politics, and public service.
Please send applications to: Christopher Waddell, Director, School of Journalism and Communication, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6. Fax: 613-520-6690 Email:
Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a statement describing their approach to teaching, examples of publications, and materials relevant to teaching experiences and details of their research interest.
[node:ad]Applicants should also ask three referees to write letters directly to the Director of the School, c/o the School Administrator, Carole Craswell.
Applications will be considered after April 15, 2012 or until the position is filled.
Located in Ottawa, Ontario, Carleton University is a dynamic research and teaching institution with a tradition of leading change. Its internationally recognized faculty, staff, and researchers provide more than 25,000 full- and part-time students from every province and more than 100 countries around the world with academic opportunities in more than 80 programs of study. Carleton’s creative, interdisciplinary, and international approach to research has led to many significant discoveries and creative work in science and technology, business, governance, public policy, and the arts. As an innovative institution, Carleton is uniquely committed to developing solutions to real world problems by pushing the boundaries of knowledge and understanding daily.
Minutes from downtown, Carleton University is located on a beautiful campus in the central portion of Ottawa, bordered by the Rideau River on one side, and the Rideau Canal on the other. With over 12 national museums and the spectacular Gatineau Park closeby, there are many excellent recreational opportunities for individuals and families to enjoy. The City of Ottawa itself, with a population of almost one million, is Canada’s capital city and reflects the country’s bilingual and multicultural character. Carleton’s location in the nation’s capital provides many opportunities for research with groups and institutions that reflect the diversity of the country.
Carleton University is strongly committed to fostering diversity within its community as a source of excellence, cultural enrichment, and social strength. We welcome those who would contribute to the further diversification of our faculty and its scholarship including, but not limited to, women, visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. Candians and permanent residents will be given priority.
All positions are subject to budgetary approval.