Category / Student page
Melanie Coulson’s open cover letter for the Sun News Network job
Melanie Coulson is a senior online editor for The Ottawa Citizen and a journalism instructor at Carleton University, but Sun News Network's latest job posting caught her eye. Here is her open…
Why Saskatchewan is a good place to be a journalist
There is a place in Canada where three things are growing: the economy, the population and advertising dollars. Welcome to Saskatchewan, where, Angelina Irinci reports, journalism grads are in demand and media outlets are…
Teaching j-students how to live-tweet events
A U.S. journalism educator shares his ideas about how to teach students to provide live coverage via Twitter with tweets that are not just relevant, timely, accurate and interesting but that are…
New journalism program launched in Ontario
With the launch Trent University and Loyalist College’s new joint degree journalism program comes the inevitable question: In the current economic environment and difficult job market, does Canada need another j-school? In…
To the aspiring young journalists who ask: ‘why j-school?’
Over the past few months, numerous students expressed concern over their choice to become a journalist in the face of great uncertainty regarding the future of the news industry. Yes, it looks bad.…
Applying innovation to journalism curricula
Journalism educators went back to school for three days recently at The Poynter Institute's Teachapalooza 2012 looking for inspiration about how to update their lessons and their programs to respond to the…
J-schools at a turning point
As the media industry faces unprecedented changes, journalism schools are re-thinking their programs. Mary McGuire explains why some critics say it's time for bold changes though there's no clear agreement on what…
CPJ Steiger Fellowship launched
The Committee to Protect Journalists has launched a six-month Fellowship to honour Paul Steiger, former chair of CPJ.
Algorithm reporting: Is it a matter of ‘if’ or ‘when?’
Instead of reporters, computers are now writing news stories on local sports, finance and crime in the United States. Angelina Irinici says that while algorithm reporting isn't nearly as popular in Canadian publications…
If you build it, will they pay?
The New York Times may be reporting moderate success with this attempt at its paywall but, well, it's The New York Times. According to Jeff Fraser, if Canadian newspapers implementing paywalls —…