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  • J-Source

    Do anchors still matter?

    Ryerson Review of Journalism writer Jenna Wootton looks into the real meaning of Dawna Friesen, Global National’s news anchor — and the host of tonight’s Canadian Journalism Foundation’s 14th Annual Awards Gala.

  • J-Source

    Quick off the mark

    Who’s leading the way in the great media apps race? Ryerson Review of Journalism writer Brian Liu investigates the future of mobile media. 

  • J-Source

    Missing the target

    The Globe and Mail is ignoring educated people under thirty-five, writes Annie Burns-Pieper. What’s more, she adds, if changes aren’t made soon it’s going to cost them. Big time.

  • J-Source


    How do I make my reputation as big as I can? Ryerson Review of Journalism writer Kristen Chamberlain looks into the wisdom of branding herself.

  • J-Source

    “The Dying Course”

    Meredith Levine teaches journalism at the University of Western Ontario.This past year, she created and taught the first-ever Canadian j-school course on death and dying. Levine’s graduate j-students visited palliative care units…

  • J-Source

    The Hampson Interview

    In the latest issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism, now on sale, Dominique Lamberton profiles Sarah Hampson. Hampson has made a living writing about the lives of others — and a…

  • J-Source

    Deadline Approaching for the Michelle Lang Fellowship

    The Michelle Lang fellowships provides a huge, and unique, opportunity for students to spend a full year reporting in two of Canada’s busiest newsrooms. At the Calgary Herald, the fellow will hone…

  • J-Source

    From one wannabe to another

    University of Western Ontario j-school student Alex Ballingall wants to be an international journalist. But how to do it in a fair, balanced and captivating way? Well, it’s going to be damn…

  • J-Source

    Foreign reporting fellowship to honour Jim Travers

    In the midst of a long reporting and editing career, Jim Travers worked as a foreign correspondent in Africa and the Middle East.Now, a $25,000 fellowship in his name will finance significant…

  • J-Source

    The UBC J-School faces a change in leadership

    The Director of the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of British Columbia, Mary Lynn Young, is leaving her job to take on a new role at the University. Dr. Young…