Category / Innovation

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  • J-Source

    Data journalism basics with Google spreadsheets

    In the first of a series of video tutorials on data journalism tools, J-Source's Computer Assisted Reporting editor Fred Vallance-Jones goes over how to use a Google spreadsheet to do some basic…

  • J-Source

    This space is changing

    Data journalism is changing, and so is this space. We're going to make it less a place for insiders and more a place where all journalists and journalism students can learn how…

  • J-Source

    A helpful list of web tools for journalists

    Check out this list of helpful web tools for journalists and tutorials on how to use the most popular social networking tools for news — including Pinterest. 

  • J-Source

    Hacker-assisted reporting: can it be ethical?

    If you hear the word ‘hacker’ and all you can think is News of the World scandal, stop cringing. Cecil Rosner explains how working with hackers who mine for publicly available data can be beneficial to…

  • J-Source

    Canadian newspapers and infographics: Too scared to try?

    Around the world, newspapers are boldly experimenting with online infographics — and they're making money. So why aren't papers in Canada following suit? Claire Prime looks into this in the latest issue of the Ryerson Review of…

  • J-Source

    Statscan to make yet more data available at no cost

    Statistics Canada is going to make more of its data available to the public without charge, a move that has been years in the making.

  • J-Source

    Citizen reporter posts gun registry data

    The federal government’s plan to destroy the data in the doomed long-gun registry has prompted an Ottawa Citizen reporter to publicly post a copy of registry data he obtained for a 2007…

  • J-Source

    Global News shares data with the world

    Now, here’s a breath of fresh air. Global News is going to make data it obtains for its own projects available to the public. It has already posted the data it used…

  • J-Source

    A slow march to open data

    The federal government’s first, hesitant step toward an open-data policy is to be praised, even if so far it is unclear if it represents a real move to openness or is more…

  • J-Source

    Remembing Toronto’s war dead

    Patrick Cain, a CAR guy who became best know for his online maps at the Toronto Star, has produced a fascinating map of Toronto depicting the addresses of family of more than…