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  • CBC/Radio-Canada building

    CBC Ombudsman: Point-of-View Documentaries | The Case of Sled Dogs

    The complainant is a sled dog operator. She wrote on behalf of many in her business as well as some of the participants in the documentary “Sled Dog” to complain about bias in the film misrepresentation of its purpose to…
  • Globe and Mail building exterior

    Globe and Mail Public Editor: Remembering the victims

    A number of readers were angry and upset by a headline and story online about the Winnipeg murder trial of the man charged with killing Tina Fontaine. Canadians were outraged by the death of this 15-year-old and the trial is…
  • CBC/Radio-Canada building

    CBC Ombudsman: Balance in Science Reporting

    The complainant, Richard Reeleder, objected to an interview with an opponent of the herbicide Glyphosate. He thought he was presented as a scientific expert when he was not, and that his comments went unchallenged. He thought it was alarmist and…
  • Toronto Star Public Editor: Timeless principles guide corrections in digital era

    Corrections are complex business these days when news organizations deliver information via print, on web and mobile apps, social media, video, newsletters, push notifications and voice personal assistants
  • Globe and Mail building exterior

    Globe and Mail public editor: When victims come forward, journalism amplifies the truth

    In the midst of the #MeToo reckoning, let’s consider the role of journalism. Of course, the foundation of the movement is the brave women who have been abused and who have stood tall willing to reveal the most intimate details,…
  • CBC/Radio-Canada building

    CBC Ombudsman: Accuracy in headlines and photos

    The complainant, Mike Fegelman, the Executive Director of HonestReporting Canada, made two requests for reviews. One concerned a headline dealing with the sentencing of an Israeli soldier and the other questioned the use of an old photograph for a news…
  • CBC/Radio-Canada building

    CBC Ombudsman: Seeing is Believing

    CBC Ottawa ran a story about a programme to match homeless people to rental housing. It documented a case where it went wrong, leaving the landlord with a trashed apartment. The story showed the damage, but focused on the gap…
  • CBC/Radio-Canada building

    CBC OMBUDSMAN: Reporting the Facts

    The complainant, Diane Bederman, objected to a report by Derek Stoffel who was at a protest in Ramallah on the one-hundredth anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. She thought that by reporting the Palestinian position, he was implying Israel did not…
  • CBC/Radio-Canada building

    CBC Ombudsman: The challenge of sizing up crowds

    The complainant, Anthony Nolan, wrote to say that a report on an anti-white supremacy rally at Queen’s Park distorted the crowd size, and deliberately so, in his view. I agreed that reporting how many people expressed interest in coming, rather…
  • CBC/Radio-Canada building

    CBC Ombudsman: Fixing facts on Facebook

    The complainant, Jyothi Jayaraman, was one of 9 who objected to the explanation of the process of medically-assisted death. In the course of taking questions live on Facebook, the interviewee gave wrong information. CBC admitted fault and despite best efforts,…