Category / Commentary
Globe public editor: The trouble with online surveys
The Globe’s questions are not online polls, but surveys of readers’ views.
Public editor: Why does the Star’s choice of best next mayor matter?
The Star is right to take seriously its responsibility to tell you who it supports for public office, writes public editor Kathy English.
Globe public editor: Why newspapers endorse political candidates
Sylvia Stead responds to readers’ questions about newspaper endorsements.
CBC ombudsman: The difference between analysis and opinion
Reporters can and should synthesize facts and draw conclusions. In matters of controversy, they are obliged to provide alternate perspectives to that conclusion. – See more at:
Star public editor: Reporting responsibly in real time during the Ottawa attack
When terror gripped Ottawa last week, Star journalists faced the challenge of reporting the news as it happened in an atmosphere of fear and chaos.
Star public editor: Reporting responsibly in real time during the Ottawa attack
When our nation’s capital is under attack, and chaos and confusion rule, how do journalists separate rumour from reality in order to report responsibly in real time?
Globe public editor: More effort needed to run photos of women
While there will always be photos of political and business leaders, who more often are men, editors need to make an effort to use more pictures of women and visible-minority members, writes…
CBC ombudsman: On matters of controversy represent both sides whenever possible
The Executive Director of HonestReporting Canada, Mike Fegelman, complained that CBC reported the shelling of the Gaza power plant by Israeli forces as a proven fact. He pointed to Israeli military statements…
Brunswick News ombudswoman: How a newspaper can be both opinionated and neutral
The most basic notion to explain how a newspaper can properly be both neutral and opinionated is to understand that structurally newspapers have two distinct components.
Ombudsman: CBC News can’t alter the record
The complainant wanted CBC News online to take down an accurate story involving him and his wife, who were charged with forging transit passes in Vancouver three years ago.