Category / Commentary

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  • J-Source

    Saskatchewan ban on public servant interviews

    A public affairs spokesperson says Saskatchewan’s health department has imposed a total ban on anyone giving media interviews, on any topic, to any journalist anywhere, for the duration of the provincial election. When…

  • J-Source

    In defence of newspapers

    “A lot of journalists and former journalists and bloggers seem to hate their newspapers because of some vague psychic or moral sensibility, as if some great social contract has been breached. The…

  • J-Source

    Media deregulation proposed again in the U.S.

    American media conglomerates would be the big winners under a plan circulated this week by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. The plan would, reported the New York Times, relax media ownership rules…

  • J-Source

    New York Times savaged on stock market

    From a Bloomberg story today: Morgan Stanley, the second-biggest shareholder in New York Times Co., sold its entire 7.3 percent stake today, according to a person briefed on the transaction, sending the…

  • J-Source

    Magazine ads/malaise

    Anyone wondering why Time magazine is so skinny these days? Marvelling at the fat People on the newstands? Take a look at this graph compiled by the U.S. Project for Excellence in…

  • J-Source

    Murdoch’s plans for WSJ: it would be nice to “kill” the New York Times

    Later this year Rupert Murdoch will actually get his hands on his new prize, the Wall Street Journal. Jonathan Richards has stories in today’s Times and Guardian based on a speech and…

  • J-Source

    Award honours Gzowski

    The Association of Electronic Journalists has created an award named after Peter Gzowski, the late Maclean’s editor and long-time CBC radio host of Morningside. The RTNDA Peter Gzowski Award – Best Radio…

  • J-Source


    A selection of headlines above the first online, breaking-news stories about today’s Statistics Canada crime report. It’s a hot political topic in the context of yesterday’s Conservative government throne speech — which…

  • J-Source

    “Shock” at murders of Iraq journalists

    The International Federation of Journalists has called on the international community “to take special action to confront the human tragedy in Iraq where the killings of journalists and media staff have reached…

  • J-Source

    Quebecor Media blâmé par son comité de surveillance

    Paul Cauchon, Le Devoir Quebecor Media est accusé d’avoir contrevenu aux règles mises en place par le CRTC qui interdisent l’échange de matériel entre ses salles de nouvelles. Et cette décision vient…