Category / Commentary

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  • J-Source

    U.S. has detained AP Pulitzer winning photog for 18 months

    American authorities have now detained Iraqi news photographer Bilal Hussein, who worked for the Associated Press and is a Pulitzer Prize winner, for 18 months. The AP’s web site today has a…

  • J-Source

    China’s Big Brother techniques

    Reporters Without Borders and “Chinese Human Rights Defenders” says their new joint study “reveals how that country’s government censors the Internet and how the Internet Information Administrative Bureau controls the leading news…

  • J-Source

    Media concentration: the Irvings versus an upstart

    Irving family companies control most of the media in New Brunswick. Now, they’re in court trying to stop an upstart from setting up a competing newspaper. CBC has a story about the…

  • J-Source

    Rejigging the news for the Web

    Today’s New York Times has a piece about how American broadcaster ABC is reshaping its news cast for the Internet. There are some differences, and some innovations. Excerpts:Executives at the broadcast networks…

  • J-Source

    British ruling backs investigative reporting

    NewsThe Guardian newspaper calls it a “landmark” ruling in defence of investigative reporting. Britain’s court of appeal has used the defence of “responsible journalism” to dismiss a libel action against the publisher of…

  • J-Source

    Screams of panic: the revolution in journalism

     “The screams from newsrooms are those of panic,” Jim Lehrer, the well known American public television anchor, told a group of university students at Northwestern. Journalism is going through an “unpleasant” revolution,…

  • J-Source

    Journalisme visuel : des pistes, des idées

    Michel Dumais, Blogue MédiaBiz Le journalisme visuel commence à faire son chemin dans la profession, que ce soit en France, chez Libération ou encore ici au Québec, au journal Les Affaires. Mais…

  • J-Source

    New West advice to online community journalism

    This reflection on publishing a web-based news service for communities in the Rocky Mountains covers a broad range of topics from blogging to citizen journalism.

  • J-Source

    Community Media Canada list of community newspaper websites

    Community Media Canada (CMC) is a great resource for locating the members of the Canadian community newspaper industry with over 850 newspapers. The publications represent every single province and territory, serving communities…

  • J-Source

    Village Soup

    Knox and Waldo VillageSoup, locally dubbed TheSoup, is an experiment bringing immediate information and interactions to weekly newspaper markets. It exemplifies a new business model going beyond the Community News business to…