Dion exonerated?
Many moons after the fact, CTV will air
a statement that it violated
industry ethics codes by broadcasting former Liberal leader
Stéphane Dion’s false starts in a television interview. The
statement follows a Canandian Broadcast Standards Council ruling on
Dion’s October 2008 encounter with Halifax anchor Steve Murphy. At
the time J-Source posted this behind-the-scenes
account of the decision to air the interview sans the
mercy of modern editing tools. Never shy on (informed) opinion, our
readers weighed in with their
The statement will run during Senator
Duffy’s former time slot – fitting, because the council also
stated Duffy “went too far” during a follow-up panel discussion
about the interview. CTV News president Robert Hurst argues that it’s
the standards council that went to far. What do you think? Here’s the
interview again, with CTV Halifax’s justification stated in the
Many moons after the fact, CTV will air
a statement that it violated
industry ethics codes by broadcasting former Liberal leader
Stéphane Dion’s false starts in a television interview. The
statement follows a Canandian Broadcast Standards Council ruling on
Dion’s October 2008 encounter with Halifax anchor Steve Murphy. At
the time J-Source posted this behind-the-scenes
account of the decision to air the interview sans the
mercy of modern editing tools. Never shy on (informed) opinion, our
readers weighed in with their
The statement will run during Senator
Duffy’s former time slot – fitting, because the council also
stated Duffy “went too far” during a follow-up panel discussion
about the interview. CTV News president Robert Hurst argues that it’s
the standards council that went to far. What do you think? Here’s the
interview again, with CTV Halifax’s justification stated in the
Patricia W. Elliott is a magazine journalist and assistant professor at the School of Journalism, University of Regina. You can visit her at patriciaelliott.ca.