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NASH80—CUP’s annual journalism conference

Chelsea Hotel 33 Gerrard Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The annual gathering of the country’s student journalists is coming to Toronto in 2018 for its 80th anniversary. Hosted by The Eyeopener, Ryerson University’s independent student paper, NASH80 will celebrate and continue the tradition of the Canadian University Press We are once again bringing university papers together, with one of the most unique and diverse…

Breaking the News: How Bots, Trolls and Other Media Manipulators Threaten Our Politics

1160 Desmarais Building 55 Laurier Ave, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Activists, politicians and partisans compete intensely for attention and influence online. Today, malevolent actors seem to have the upper hand. They push disinformation and hate using fake accounts, bots, and algorithms designed to keep us scrolling through the latest outrage. News organizations and social media platforms struggle to deal with these media manipulators, particularly after…

“Bearing Witness: Journalism, Trust and Social Media” by Andy Carvin, Asper Visiting Professor, Journalist and Author

UBC Robson Square Room c.680, 800 Robson Square, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

For the last two decades, American journalist Andy Carvin has pioneered the use of social media to report geopolitical upheaval, from the September 11 attacks to the Arab Spring. Is social media making the world a better place, or worse? Can journalism restore public trust in itself? And in an increasingly darkening world order, can…


Securing Canadian Elections

UBC Robson Square 800 Robson Street, Room C-400, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The manipulation of public opinion over social media platforms is a critical concern of the 21st century. Over the past few years, there have been several attempts by foreign operatives, political parties, and populist movements to manipulate the outcome of elections by spreading disinformation, amplifying divisive rhetoric, and micro-targeting polarizing messages to voters. While the…

Bolster your digital safety: An anti-hacking, anti-doxing workshop


Bring your devices and join this hands-on workshop to learn how to outsmart the trolls by auditing your social media accounts, tightening your privacy settings, and tracking down your personal info so you can maintain the public profile you need to do your job.

NCM-The Walrus Journalist Training Webinar-3


Looking to make a name for yourself as a professional Canadian journalist? Don’t miss the NCM-The Walrus Webinar Series. Facilitated by industry leaders, the webinars cover key topics to help you kick-start a flourishing career.


News and How to Use It: A Conversation with Alan Rusbridger


Join Rusbridger, now chair of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University and a member of Facebook’s Oversight Board, as he offers his insights across a wide swathe of the industry, covering social media, citizen journalism, business models and more, in conversation with Anna Maria Tremonti, host of the CBC podcast More.

Disinformation on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic


A panel discussion presented by the Faculty of Information & Media Studies and open to everyone. This panel will discuss many of the challenges confronted by journalists today with identifying and combatting disinformation. The panel brings together academic experts in the field of journalism and communication with professional journalists working on the ground. The panel…
