Facebook or face time?
It’s Digital Detox Week –
so it’s timely that one of questions surfacing on J-Source is whether today’s
multi-tasking journalists spend too much time
chattering, and not enough time investigating. With all the Facebooking
and tweeting
going on in the newsroom, we still need to get off our keypads and go find out
what’s going on in the world. Integrating social
media into good newsroom practices and ethics is key – especially when we’re
j-schoolers to use these tools. J-Source is a good place to pose the
question and start the debate; your newsrooms and classrooms are good places to
seek the answers. For an experiment: ask students to spend a day unplugged, and see
what they produce. Then give yourself the same challenge.
It’s Digital Detox Week –
so it’s timely that one of questions surfacing on J-Source is whether today’s
multi-tasking journalists spend too much time
chattering, and not enough time investigating. With all the Facebooking
and tweeting
going on in the newsroom, we still need to get off our keypads and go find out
what’s going on in the world. Integrating social
media into good newsroom practices and ethics is key – especially when we’re
j-schoolers to use these tools. J-Source is a good place to pose the
question and start the debate; your newsrooms and classrooms are good places to
seek the answers. For an experiment: ask students to spend a day unplugged, and see
what they produce. Then give yourself the same challenge.
Patricia W. Elliott is a magazine journalist and assistant professor at the School of Journalism, University of Regina. You can visit her at patriciaelliott.ca.