Heather Mallick to speak
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) will present “I Write What I Think: A Conversation with Heather Mallick” at 8:00 p.m. on June 20, following its annual general meeting at Massey College. Mallick, a staff columnist for the Toronto Star, has worked as a reporter, copy editor and book review editor at various print newspapers.
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) will present “I Write What I Think: A Conversation with Heather Mallick” at 8:00 p.m. on June 20, following its annual general meeting at Massey College.
Mallick, a staff columnist for the Toronto Star, has worked as a reporter, copy editor and book review editor at various print newspapers. She wrote a column called As If in The Globe and Mail for several years, as well as a political column for the New York Times Syndication Service. She also wrote columns for CBC for a number of years.
Her first book, Pearls in Vinegar, was a modern version of the tenth-century Japanese pillow-book diary of Shei Shonagon. It was published by Penguin in 2004. Her second book, Cake or Death, a collection of original essays about finding consolations for living through the Bush era, was published by Knopf in 2007. Heather occasionally writes for the "Comment is Free" section of the Guardian Online.
Mallick’s presentation takes place in the Massey College Common Room. CJFE’s annual general meeting is in the Upper Library at 6:30. New members can sign up at the registration table before the meeting.
Grant Buckler is a retired freelance journalist and a volunteer with Canadian Journalists for Free Expression and lives in Kingston, Ont.