
J-Links for July 31: B.C. reporter faces possible charges; Farewell to Winnipeg Free Press’ editor; Jonah Lehrer resigns from The New Yorker

Today’s media links from Canada and beyond: Kelowna reporter could face charges after alleged exposing drug operation, farewell to the Winnipeg Free Press’s first female editor Margo Goodhand, Storify shows Canadians happier with TV Olympics coverage than Americans and Irish journalist and author Maevis Binchy dies at 72. And today’s read: The New Yorker writer Jonah Lehrer resigns…

Today’s media links from Canada and beyond: Kelowna reporter could face charges after alleged exposing drug operation, farewell to the Winnipeg Free Press’s first female editor Margo Goodhand, Storify shows Canadians happier with TV Olympics coverage than Americans and Irish journalist and author Maevis Binchy dies at 72. And today’s read: The New Yorker writer Jonah Lehrer resigns after his fabrication of Bob Dylan quotes revealed. 


In Canadian media:

Reporter may face charges after exposing alleged drug dealing

When a Kelowna reporter was working on an investigative story and helping out an elderly woman, he did not think that he could end up facing criminal charges. Kelly Hayes of the Kelowna-based news website Castanet Media was contacted by a woman when she believed her neighbours were selling marijuana illegally. Hayes purchased $40 worth of marijuana and then turned it over to the RCMP. Two days later, the RCMP said he was facing possible charges.

Farewell to Winnipeg Free Press’ first female editor

Gordan Sinclar Jr. writes a farewell column about Margo Goodhand — the Winnipeg Free Press’ first female editor. After joining the newspaper in 1991, she eventually became editor in 2009 and led the paper in earning both a Michener Citation of Merit and the Excellence in Journalism Award from the Canadian Journalism Foundation.

Storify: Canadians happier with Olympics TV coverage than Americans

The Globe and Mail’s media reporter, Steve Ladurantaye, created a Storify story that shows that Canadians are much happier with Olympic television coverage than Americans are. A media monitoring company called MediaMiser found 50 per cent of the tweets referencing CTV (Canada’s main Olympics broadcaster) was positive in the first three days of the Games.



In international media:

Journalist and author Maeve Binchy dies at 72

Irish journalist-turned-best-selling-author Maeve Binchy died in Dublin yesterday after a brief illness at 72, reports Irish media. She began her journalism career with the Irish Times in 1968 and went on to become an extremely successful writer, selling more than 40 million books worldwide and making it onto The New York Times’ bestseller list and in Oprah’s Book Club.


Today’s read:

Jonah Lehrer resigns from The New Yorker after fabricating Bob Dylan quotes

Last month well-known The New Yorker writer Jonah Lehrer publicly apologized for recycling his previously published work and now it’s been revealed that he fabricated quotes from Bob Dylan in his best-selling book “Imagine: How Creativity Works” and has resigned from The New Yorker. Former New York Times writer Jayson Blair writes a piece reflecting on and comparing Lehrer’s plagiarism to his own.


Angelina King is a freelance journalist who works as a reporter for CTV News Channel in Toronto. She previously reported for CTV in her hometown of Saskatoon and is a graduate of Ryerson University's journalism program. Angelina has a special interest in court and justice reporting, but is always grateful to share a human interest story. You can reach her at: @angelinakCTV.