J-Links for Oct. 9: Lacroix reappointed head of CBC; Journalism job competition; Making energy journalism better
J-Links for Oct. 9: Lacroix reappointed head of CBC; Journalism job competition; Making energy journalism better
In Canadian media:
Hubert Lacroix reappointed as President and CEO of CBC for another five-year term bit.ly/RNe5wM #JLinks
— J-Source (@jsource) October 9, 2012
Traditional tv structures ‘not the be all and end all anymore': Peladeau natpo.st/RNeC1P #JLinks
— J-Source (@jsource) October 9, 2012
Fierce competition (read: ~300 applicants) for entry-level journalism positions bit.ly/RNeLlO #JLinks
— J-Source (@jsource) October 9, 2012
In international media:
With the right link: PBS shows quick thinking with 'Big Bird' Twitter keyword ad purchase bit.ly/RNeVtD #JLinks
— J-Source (@jsource) October 9, 2012
Today's read:
The three "great energy challenges" of the 21st century and how energy journalism needs to address them better bit.ly/RNf0gK #JLinks
— J-Source (@jsource) October 9, 2012