1310 results for “media on the move

We have found 1310 results with the word you searched.

The Great Wall: Canadian dailies and online subscriptions

When a journalism student declared he had never bought a physical newspaper, Torstar chair John Honderich shot back: “Is that something you’re proud of?” But as Joy Blenman explains, the student’s statement is a sign of the times: the future of…


Reporters turned away from Victoria Island and Chief Spence, threatened with charges in Attawapiskat

The movement that has criticized changes to legislation the federal government has proposed in Bill C-45, better-known as the Idle No More movement, took a while before it became the topic of mainstream political panels and front-page stories. But over…


Silence of the labs

Kai Benson explains why the federal government's attempt to muzzle its scientists hinders public knowledge and damages science discourse in Canada in the latest issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism.…


Checking your bias

Do your biases affect your journalism? Field Notes Editor Nicole Blanchett Neheli talks with American J-prof Sue Ellen Christian, and reporters from across Canada, about strategies to ensure every story is as balanced as possible, and how reflection and ethics…


Toronto Star publishes apology for unattributed material taken from The Globe and Mail

The Toronto Star has edited an online version of a business article and published an apology after it was discovered that parts of the article had been taken from an earlier report by The Globe and Mail without attribution.…


J-Source and ProjetJ transition begins with call for potential new contributors

The Canadian Journalism Project is looking to potential new contributors, a new funding model and new editorial structures beginning at the end of 2013. Belinda Alzner explains what this means for our publication and what roles a transition team is looking to…


2012 J-Source Canadian Newsperson of the Year nominees

Below are a list of the nominees that we have received so far in the order that we received them. Last updated on Jan. 21, 2013 Deadline for nominations is Jan. 21, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Make your nomination…


Lindsey Wiebe to join Maclean’s as associate web editor

Lindsey Wiebe will be joining Maclean’s magazine’s digital team in the new year as the associate web editor of macleans.ca in Toronto and told J-Source in an email that she is "totally thrilled about it." Wiebe was most recently the…


Mental health coverage continues to miss the point

Covering mental health issues takes tact, responsibility and a commitment to stories that push back against societal stigma. Olivia Schneider looks at how mental health stories are covered, the problems that persist in the coverage and how journalists can overcome them. …


Roundup: Reporting the Rob Ford decision

On Monday morning, Justice Hackland rendered his decision on Rob Ford's conflict of interest trial: Ford was found to have violated the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and has been ousted from office after a 14-day period, though he intends…
