1309 results for “media on the move

We have found 1309 results with the word you searched.

A public broadcaster at a crossroads: CBC moving forward

It’s been a tumultuous week for the CBC — 650 jobs will be lost, services and programming will be cut, RCI will be no more save for the web. But as Belinda Alzner reports, this isn’t a first for the public broadcaster.…


Journalism Strategies Conference, Montreal, QC: April 19-21

A national discussion on journalism policy is needed now for two reasons: The Bell purchase of Astral, and the recently announced cuts  to the CBC. As Christine Crowther, lead coordinator of the Journalism Strategies Conference explains, media concentration and cuts…


Classic Gopnik

In the latest issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism, Matthew Braga profiles Adam Gopnik and explains why The New Yorker essayist aspires to be the “rococo, Jewish, city-bound, Canadian E.B. White.”…


Le Journal de Montreal reporter faces no charges after police raid on his home

Eric Yvan Lemay is a Le Journal de Montreal journalist who exposed Quebec hospitals for lax security surrounding confidential patient information in February. In March, his home was raided by police, who seized his laptop and clothes. Now, QMI Agency has reported that he…


CBC to cut 650 jobs, introduce radio advertising in wake of ‘punishing’ federal budget

Canada’s public broadcaster will cut 650 jobs over the next three years and have applied to include advertising in some radio services in order to cope with the $115-million budget reduction over that same timeframe that the CBC was handed…


CBC/Radio-Canada: Return of ads to radio?

Is CBC/Radio-Canada planning to return to advertising on their channels to make ends meet? We'll have to wait until April 4 to find out, when CBC plans to announce how it will deal with the 10 per cent cut that…


Newsroom innovation increases pressure to create higher quality journalism

As newsrooms become more innovative in engaging audiences, especially using new and emerging technologies, the result may be higher quality journalism, despite the predictions of doomsayers. E-journalism Professor Robert Washburn suggests the movement towards more transparency by journalists and newsrooms…


Steve Jeffrey resigns from The Anchor Weekly amid serial plagiarism allegations

Steve Jeffrey, editor and publisher of The Anchor Weekly, a community newspaper that has served Chestermere, Alta. since 2001 has resigned amid allegations that he had plagiarized at least 42 columns in the past year, according to the Calgary Herald.…


Alberta community newspaper editor and publisher accused of serial plagiarism

According to a humour columnist in California, Steve Jeffrey, the editor and publisher of Alberta community weekly The Anchor, has lifted others' work and run it under his own byline an alleged 42 times in the last year. …


The racial and cultural implications of rapping the Elements of Style

Last year's adaptation of The Elements of Style wasn't the first time young, white, educated males have parodied hip hop, and it surely won't be the last. But Chris Richardson, a media studies PhD candidate at Western University, says that…
