1309 results for “media on the move

We have found 1309 results with the word you searched.

Media on the Move: February 28

Here’s our regular update on the moves, hires and promotions in Canadian journalism. Want your job move featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves. Almost 80 people were laid off at Global News in mid-February: Global…


Media on the Move: February 14

Here’s our regular update on the moves, hires and promotions in Canadian journalism. Want your job move featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves. We reported on a round off layoffs at the Victoria’s Times Colonist:…


Media on the Move: January 31

Here’s our regular update on the moves, hires and promotions in Canadian journalism. Want your job move featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves. Layoffs were announced at Vice Canada: 23 staff positions cut in aftermath…


Media on the Move: January 17

Here’s our regular update on the moves, hires and promotions in Canadian journalism. Want your job move featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves. Briarpatch announced a new hire in January: Announcing our next editor, @saima_desai…


Media on the Move: December 6

Here's our regular update on the moves, hires and promotions in Canadian journalism.


Media on the Move: November 22

Here's our regular update on the moves, hires and promotions in Canadian journalism.


Media on the Move: November 8

Here's our regular update on the moves, hires and promotions in Canadian journalism.


Media on the Move: October 25

Here's our regular update on the moves, hires and promotions in Canadian journalism.


Media on the Move: October 11

Here's our regular update on the moves, hires and promotions in Canadian journalism.


Media on the Move: September 27

Here's our regular update on the moves, hires and promotions in Canadian journalism.
