Tag / Document seizure

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  • The Ontario Court of Appeal said it found no errors in an earlier ruling that went against the Canadian media outlet. Photo courtesy of Daderot/CC0 1.0.

    Vice Media reporter must turn over materials to RCMP, appeal court rules

    By The Canadian Press A Vice Media reporter must give the RCMP the background materials he used for stories on an accused terrorist, Ontario’s top court affirmed Wednesday. In a case that pitted freedom of the press against the ability…
  • Image courtesy Walt Jabsco/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

    Canada’s criminal libel laws may threaten free speech

    By Mitchell Thompson Criminal libel laws in Canada’s Criminal Code are being used increasingly to suppress speech that is critical of public officials and employees, Ryerson journalism professor Lisa Taylor said. Speaking at Ryerson University on Nov. 1, 2016, alongside…