Tag / Journalism Jobs
Journalism jobs: Dec. 12
Fellowships Are you the next #AtkinsonFellow in Public Policy? February 11, 2019 is the pitch deadline: https://t.co/6fLqWn3JZo #cdnmedia #cdnpoli #journalism pic.twitter.com/xfD5MmI4wk — Atkinson Foundation (@AtkinsonCF) December 10, 2018 https://twitter.com/sharon_nadeem/status/1072211120839118848 Internships CBC News…
Journalism jobs: Nov. 28
Want your job posting featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves. Call for pitches Now that I am back at work, just a friendly reminder that I am LOOKING FOR PITCHES https://t.co/CGRfqKRvw3…
Journalism Jobs: Nov. 14
Want your job posting featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves. Fellowships The @caj and @APTN are pleased to announce the third annual fellowship aimed at improving the skills of Indigenous journalists.…
Journalism jobs: October 31
Want your job posting featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves. Call for pitches Want to write for @tvo's Ontario Hubs? PITCH ME. I am looking for short and long features that…
Journalism jobs: October 17
Want your job posting featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves. Call for pitches CTV News Channel is looking for freelance news writers. If you are interested, send a resume and writing…
Journalism Jobs: October 3
Want your job posting featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves. Summer positions The @globeandmail is looking to hire #reporters, #editors, designers and multimedia staff for the summer of 2019. “How to…
Journalism Jobs: September 19
Want your job posting featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves. Fellowships We're looking for a new class of editorial fellows. Fellows participate in every part of the publication process. They don't…
Journalism Jobs: September 5
Want your job posting featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves. Call for pitches hello! @the_logic is accepting pitches. we are interested in investigative and feature stories about Canada's innovation economy. and…
Journalism Jobs: August 22
Want your job posting featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves. Call for pitches Now seeking pitches for argumentative columns or first-person essays, 800-1,200 words, for @thismagazine. Send them my way: editor…
Journalism Jobs: August 8
Want your job posting featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves. Call for pitches Here's my periodic reminder that I love getting pitches for freelance work on @jsource. We pay for original…