
The Newspaper Project

This recently launched site is dedicated to looking at the future of newspapers, but there is a notable twist. It is being led by a group of newspaper executives. “The Newspaper Project was launched in 2009 by a small group of newspaper executives who wanted to support a productive exchange of information and ideas about…

This recently launched site is dedicated to looking at the future of newspapers, but there is a notable twist. It is being led by a group of newspaper executives.

The Newspaper Project was launched in 2009 by a small
group of newspaper executives who wanted to support a productive
exchange of information and ideas about the future of newspapers. On
February 2nd, the newspaperproject.org website was launched along with
the first in a series of print and online ads that have been running in
more than 400 newspapers across the country.”

This recently launched site is dedicated to looking at the future of newspapers, but there is a notable twist. It is being led by a group of newspaper executives.

The Newspaper Project was launched in 2009 by a small
group of newspaper executives who wanted to support a productive
exchange of information and ideas about the future of newspapers. On
February 2nd, the newspaperproject.org website was launched along with
the first in a series of print and online ads that have been running in
more than 400 newspapers across the country.”
