
This Magazine with a new column on the stories the media missed

  Surely, there are stories out there that the media isn’t covering. But why? That’s the focus of a new column that Bilbo Poynter will be writing for This Magazine, called Stories Undone. Surely, there are stories out there that the media isn’t covering. But why? That’s the focus of a new column that Bilbo Poynter will be writing…


Surely, there are stories out there that the media isn’t covering. But why? That’s the focus of a new column that Bilbo Poynter will be writing for This Magazine, called Stories Undone.

Surely, there are stories out there that the media isn’t covering. But why?

That’s the focus of a new column that Bilbo Poynter will be writing for This Magazine, called Stories Undone. As he writes, to introduce his column:

What I’ve learned during my time as a journalist is that it is not simply a case of a monolithic media keeping information we all need about the powerful at bay. Most, if not all, journalists I’ve met would jump at the chance to expose, for instance, widespread civil rights abuses by the police of demonstrators if they felt the information was there. Why good stories don’t always get picked up is more complicated, and we’ll explore why this is too.

Poynter, who founded the Canadian Centre for Investigative Reporting in 2009 and has written for numerous publications (J-Source included), identifies a number of missed angles on a story that has been dominating headlines for months now: the Montreal student protests.


Have there been police who have defied orders to crack down on protesters? What became of the 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which commits to higher education being made, “equally accessible to all, on the basis of capacity, by every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive introduction of free education” anyway?

Those are just a few questions he asks, before getting into the implications of why they’re important.

Make sure you check out the full column at This Magazine’s website.