
We dont own the news anymore

“This is the first of two reports from the International Symposium on Online Journalism. To get a more extensive look what was said at this weekend’s symposium, go to the the Online Journalism Symposium Blog at or look for tweets from the symposium at #isoj” “This is the first of two reports from the International…

“This is the first of two reports from the International Symposium on
Online Journalism. To get a more extensive look what was said at this
weekend’s symposium, go to the the Online Journalism Symposium Blog at or look for tweets from the symposium at #isoj”

“This is the first of two reports from the International Symposium on
Online Journalism. To get a more extensive look what was said at this
weekend’s symposium, go to the the Online Journalism Symposium Blog at or look for tweets from the symposium at #isoj”
