Year / 2013
NASH75 plenary tackles membership fees and increasing staff terms
A number of significant changes were made at the 2013 Canadian University Press national conference and AGM, and many of them were hotly debated, particularly JHM Award submission fees, the creation of…
On slipping custom content into newspapers’ revenue mix
On the rise of custom content, Jonathan Sas asks: Is the increasing presence of content sponsored by advertisers in any news publication a sign that it is figuring out how to survive, or…
High school student paper publishes despite extracurricular cuts: Q&A with Proxy editor-in-chief Sabina Wex
Teachers across Ontario are boycotting extracurricular activities—including the supervision of student newspaper production—as a form of protest in the ongoing contract dispute with the government. But students at North Collegiate Toronto Institute will…
Digital First Media live chat with Twitter’s Mark Luckie on social media storytelling
Join us from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. EST today as we syndicate Digital First Media's live chat with Mark Luckie, manager of journalism and news for Twitter on using social media for…
L’éthique journalistique varie selon le mode de propriété du média ainsi que les contextes sociaux et politiques
L’éthique des journalistes serait influencée par l'entreprise de presse pour laquelle ils travaillent tout comme par la société dans laquelle ils évoluent. Telles sont les conclusions d’une récente étude dirigée par Patrick…
Faut-il inclure Sun News au forfait de base?
Québecor demande au CRTC d'inclure sa chaîne Sun News dans l’abonnement de base des câblodistributeurs. Ses plus critiques s’y opposent, mais d'autres croient qu’il faut lui donner une chance, au nom…
Le virage numérique, une menace au journalisme?
Les médias font-ils erreur en misant sur le numérique afin d’assurer leur avenir? Dans son édition de janvier, le magazine français XXI lance un véritable pavé dans la mare journalistique avec un…
Changes to The Globe and Mail’s Books section
The Globe and Mail's Book section hasn’t been killed, but there are some changes being made to it.
What we learned from Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s #dayinthelife
On Stephen Harper's #dayinthelife: For journalists who don’t often get to ask questions of the Prime Minister, it was interesting to see how they played it. There were the obvious stories and curation about Stanley the…
eBook review: Cool Heads at Kingston Pen
Ron Haggart died in August 2011. His family has put the journalism he produced during the Kingston Pen riot in 1971 together in an ebook, Cool Heads at Kingston Pen, now available from Kobo and…