Category / Student page

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  • J-Source

    Sponsored by…

    Media sponsorships can earn money and raise a news organization’s brand profile. But do they compromise the news? Anne Watson tackles this question in the latest issue of the Langara Journalism Review.

  • J-Source

    Who do you need to follow? 101+ Canadian Twitter accounts

    From jobs to resources to up-to-the-minute reporting from a wide range of beats, these 101+ Canadian Twitter accounts will give journalism students a good starting point of who to follow. Inspired by’s…

  • J-Source

    Inside the student newsroom at ONA 2012

    While journalists from around the world descended on San Francisco a few weeks ago to discuss the challenges facing journalism at the Online News Association’s annual conference, student journalists covered the event from…

  • J-Source

    The building of a Sportsnet magazine cover

    How does a magazine cover get built? Sportsnet magazine editor-in-chief Steve Maich and art director Steve Hodgson discuss the process that they went through in deciding on the cover photo for a…

  • J-Source

    The j-students’ guide to using Twitter well

    The Online Education Database recently published 100 Indispensable Twitter Tips for Journalism Students. As it states, "there's no avoiding Twitter when it comes to modern journalism," and this list helps j-students use Twitter right. 

  • J-Source

    Accounts j-students should be following on Twitter

      So you’re in j-school and the professors are telling you to make a Twitter account. You may or may not already use Twitter, but now it’s time to have a professional…

  • J-Source

    Crime, coverage and stereotypes: Toronto’s Jane and Finch neighbourhood

    Is the media's coverage of Jane and Finch disproportionally negative? Eric Mark Do, J-Source's new Students' Lounge editor and Ryerson Journalism student, looks at the media's coverage of crime in the Toronto…

  • J-Source

    How much do freelance journalists make?

      In a follow-up to our piece about how much journalists earn at a number of mainstream media companies, Nicole Cohen takes a look at wages for freelance journalists, for whom the…

  • J-Source

    J-school survival tips from students and grads

    Want to go beyond merely surviving j-school to totally owning it? Belinda Alzner hosted a live chat with senior-level j-students and recent grads, where they gave their advice on how to get…

  • J-Source

    J-Source’s third annual back-to-school J-Quiz

    Are you ready for another school year? Get rid of summer’s mental dust bunnies, sharpen your virtual pencils and take J-Source’s third annual back-to-school J-Quiz (Hint: You can prepare by reading our…