Category / Teaching Aids

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  • J-Source

    Medill’s Dean defends his revolutionary new journalism curriculum

    In this Chicago Magazine article, the Dean of the Medill School of Journalism, responds to critics who say his new curriculum sacrifices the principles of journalism for the principles of marketing. John Lavine has kept his promise to “blow up”…
  • J-Source

    J-schools need to re-invent themselves to teach students relevant skills

    Dan Gillmor, a leading online journalist and advocate of citizen journalism, offers his ideas about how journalism schools are not keeping pace with the new demands of the re-invented world of journalism. He outlines his ideas about what should be…
  • J-Source

    New ideas about how to produce online information packages

    News21 is a project sponsored by the Carnegie and Knight Foundations in the U.S. in which specially-selected journalism graduates were challenged to produce a journalistic package about Faith in America in ways that push the boundaries of how online journalism…
  • J-Source

    Journalism educators need to rethink their role

    Many award-winning journalists never studied journalism in university, raising the question whether people who don’t study journalism make better journalists. In an attempt to explore that idea, Betty Medsger, a leading U.S. journalism educator and former Washington Post reporter, argues…
  • J-Source

    Reflections about the declaration of principles

    Some discussion about the World Journalism Education Conference’s declaration by journalism educators at the RConversation Blog.…
  • J-Source

    Declaration of principles of journalism education

    The World Journalism Education Conference in Singapore adopted this set of principles in June, 2007.…
  • J-Source

    Audio vs. video storytelling

    An essay about the differences between audio and video storytelling from a journalist who has done both in Canada and the U.S. the essay includes links to audio and video examples.…
  • J-Source

    Producing breaking news online

    A training module from the Gannet Corporation, a leading newspaper company in the U.S. designed to help newsrooms understand how and why they need to change their ways and put online news first. It includes tips on writing like a…
  • J-Source

    Interviewing tips from NPR for young radio journalists

    NPR’s project called Teenage Diaries on National Public Radio included a website with lots of tips for people about producing good radio stories. This page is the list of tips for conducting effective interviews.…
  • J-Source

    Learning to use the audio editing software Adobe Audition

    A series of videos designed to teach people how to use one of the most popular audio editing software pacakges. Some of the sections are free online. There’s a charge for viewing the entire set or purchasing the CD.…