Category / Commentary / Analysis
Ship of state now sails with no rudder
Print journalists watch as the last flickering embers of what was a tremendous blaze that warmed an entire civilization begin to go out.
Saying good-bye to the Guelph Mercury
Former staffer Stephanie MacLellan recalls her time at a paper that fostered young talent.
Links between freelancing and gender inequality highlighted by Chronicle Herald labour dispute
Women get a raw deal out of proposed Chronicle Herald collective agreement
Freelancers, union leaders urge support for Chronicle Herald staff during labour dispute
Freelancer says there is a striking sees striking similarities between their contract negotiation and the current labour dispute.
Toronto Star public editor: It’s never too late to correct the historical record
What did Pierre Trudeau actually say about Richard Nixon upon learning that the president had called him an ‘asshole’? Likely, not exactly what we think.
Freedom of information in Hamilton misses the mark
Freedom of Information (FOI) is great in concept, but without strong enforcement mechanisms, it remains only a concept in municipalities where the local government chooses to openly flout its intent.
Toronto Star public editor: When you were the editor
The almost 10,600 readers who played ‘You be the Editor’ agreed with the Star’s judgment calls in two-thirds of cases.
Globe public editor: The perils of relying on anonymous sources
When the source is wrong, the journalist wears the error, Sylvia Stead writes.
Brunswick News ombudswoman: Complaining, explaining, understanding: 2015 in review
Why Brunswick News ombudswoman wanted more complaints in 2015.
Why Saskatchewan is Canada’s black hole of policing information
Regina has one of the most opaque police forces in Canada, according to Newspaper Canada’s annual Freedom of Information Audit.