Category / Columns
No chequebook journalism at Toronto Star: Public Editor
Paying a $5,000 fee for a video showing Mayor Rob Ford in a drunken, angry tirade is not out of line with the Star’s guidelines on paying for information, says the newspaper's…
Don’t kid yourself: being a freelancer means running your own business
In journalism school, they teach you the “how tos” and “what-ifs” of entering the world of freelancing and don’t hold back on cautioning burgeoning writers about the perils that lie ahead. What…
Make this your new mantra for contract negotiating: Don’t make things worse for the next writer
Just as interns are beginning to question the value of unpaid internships that fail to provide any real training and low-income workers are rallying for the right to a living wage, Ann…
Ward’s Words: Do ethics, not definitions
For some time, journalists and their associations have been trying anxiously to define “journalist” and “journalism” as a media revolution blurs the differences between professional journalists and citizens. But as Stephen Ward…
Opinion: Canada’s access-to-information system is going downhill and fast
Canada’s Information Commissioner, Suzanne Legault, is hopeful the government will listen to her pleas for reform, but J-Source Ideas editor and CBC investigative journalist David McKie says journalists shouldn’t hold their breath.
Public editor: Rob Ford and ‘crack cocaine’ video – Now, do you believe the Star?
Police verification of Mayor Rob Ford 'crack cocaine' video is vindication for the Toronto Star – and for journalism, writes the newspaper's public editor Kathy English.
The Unknowable Country
In this new monthly column, Sean Holman maps the boundaries of openness and accountability in Canada and explores what they mean for the people, the press and the powerful.
Globe public editor: A diverse audience and the struggle with language
With an increasingly diverse audience in a diverse country, Globe editors struggle to standardize spelling with non-English languages, although that standardization does not include accents.
Live blog: The Coveted Journey: From Journalist to Bestselling Author
It’s no secret that many journalists have a book manuscript tucked away. Or a great idea for the Great Canadian Novel. But rare is the journalist who achieves big-time commercial success beyond…
Book Review: Gene Allen’s Making National News cements the influential but little-known role Canadian Press played as a significant cultural force
Former Canadian Press journalist Catherine McKercher writes that Allen’s book is a thorough chronological analysis of the first 50 years of Canadian Press. She hopes for a sequel.