Category / Policy
Journalism industry bailout outlined with no details on oversight panel
In 2020, eligible Canadian newsrooms are set to receive tax credits and access to donee status Continue Reading Journalism industry bailout outlined with no details on oversight panel
Applications now open for the Forum Freelance Fund bursary
The competition aims to help freelance journalists go through hostile work environment training Continue Reading Applications now open for the Forum Freelance Fund bursary
Fifth Estate awarded Canadian Hillman Prize for seatbelt safety investigation
The Sidney Hillman Foundation, which has offered Canadian prize since 2011, honours Fifth Estate with 2019 award Continue Reading Fifth Estate awarded Canadian Hillman Prize for seatbelt safety investigation
Media companies on notice over traumatized journalists after landmark court decision
Matthew Ricketson, Deakin University and Alexandra Wake, RMIT University A landmark ruling by an Australian court is expected to have international consequences for newsrooms, with media companies on notice they face large…
Here’s why Concordia students are striking against school internship policies
Following in the footsteps of a legacy of student activism in Québec, students are protesting unpaid labour within and far beyond their university’s journalism program Continue Reading Here’s why Concordia students are striking against school internship policies
How Doug Ford is endangering local news ecosystems
Since the Ontario premier announced changes to student fee policies, many have called out the risks for campus media. But weakening student journalism won’t just threaten the schools’ information access Continue Reading How Doug Ford is endangering local news ecosystems
Working as the newsroom’s ‘diversity hire’
Women of colour in journalism bring a lot to the job. And take a lot, too Continue Reading Working as the newsroom’s ‘diversity hire’
Globe and Mail Public Editor: No need to offer ‘false balance’ to anti-vaxxers
Anti-vaxxers are up in arms about negative media coverage of their cause. Considering the timing, this is a little surprising: measles, a potentially life-threatening disease especially for unvaccinated babies or people with…
Media on the move: March 13
Here’s our regular update on the moves, hires and promotions in Canadian journalism. Want your job move featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves Continue Reading Media on the move: March 13
How to fix Canada’s biggest media problem in one easy step
Ottawa is poised to provide almost $600 million in financial assistance to Canada’s news media. Will it do the right thing and restrict the incentives to Canadian-owned companies? Continue Reading How to fix Canada’s biggest media problem in one easy step