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Les journalistes français veulent l’indépendance des rédactions
Le Devoir/AFP Paris — L’ensemble des syndicats de journalistes français souhaite qu’une loi garantisse l’indépendance juridique des rédactions, ont-ils indiqué hier lors d’une conférence de presse au cours de laquelle ils ont…
Semaine 2 : moment de répit en Corse
Louise Lemieux, Le Soleil Chaque semaine, Julie Lambert nous raconte ses aventures pendant le Rallye müvmedia Québec–France, sorte de course Destination monde nouveau genre. Notre Julie Lambert, reporter du Rallye müvmedia, a…
UK libel law stifles free expression
Commentary Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz, one of the world’s richest men, has made an academic publisher withdraw a controversial book. But it is the UK libel system that allows the rich and…
How Conrad Black used libel chill as a weapon
CommentaryThe principal legacy of disgraced media mogul Conrad Black, convicted in July of fraud and obstruction of justice, is “libel chill,” writes Toronto Star business columnist David Olive. For decades he used…
Journalism’s other road
Buried in the despair of a U.S. media-industry roundup — to which it devotes an extraordinarily long and justifiably depressing introduction — the Columbia Journalism Review presents some interesting ideas about non-profit…
The upside of Harper’s press restrictions
NewsOttawa (July 30, 2007) — One year after relations between the Parliamentary Press Gallery and the Harper government hit rock bottom, some observers see signs that restrictions on media access to politicians…
Proposed U.S. shield law moves forward
NewsAug. 1, 2007 – The U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee has voted in favor of an amended federal shield law that would protect newsgatherers who derive “financial gain or livelihood” from…
Online, all the time
American journalist Seymour Hersh has much to say In a Q&A interview about the Internet’s impact on journalism: “There is an enormous change taking place in this country in journalism. And it…
Students challenged to be journalistic innovators and entreprenuers
An American journalism professor has just received a huge grant to provide seed funding to news start-ups developed by students in his entrepreneurial journalism class at City Univeristy of New York’s Graduate…
Klein and the National Post
“Paying an Author and Putting Her Down” is a report in the New York Times about Naomi Klein’s odd appearance in the National Post. The Post paid for the rights to run…