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Disparition de Cédrika : une Maddie québécoise
Patricia Cloutier, Le Soleil Elle est disparue depuis une semaine et déjà, elle a généré 247 articles de journaux et reportages télé partout au Canada, sans compter les lignes ouvertes à la…
MédiaMatinQuébec sur la Toile
Isabelle Porter, Le Devoir Québec — Les employés en lock-out du Journal de Québec ont lancé hier une version Internet du MédiaMatinQuébec, le journal qu’ils publient depuis le début du conflit de…
Le mépris non; le respect oui
La rédaction, MédiaMatin Mine de rien, l’équipe de MédiaMatinQuébec a distribué, hier matin, le trois millionième exemplaire du quotidien que les travailleurs offrent en cadeau à la population de Québec depuis le…
Quand Quebecor prend des airs de Big Brother
La rédaction, MédiaMatin Quebecor est-elle en train de dicter à la région de Québec quoi lire, quoi écouter, quoi regarder et, qui sait, veut-elle influencer suffisamment la population pour l’inciter à consommer…
Na, na, na: My way is BETTER!
A website is a website is a website, argues Steve Safran in this column: The more tools we keep giving journalism, the more journalists keep arguing over the tools. What they don’t…
Morin new CRTC commissioner
Former Radio-Canada journalist Michel Morin was appointed this week as commissioner with the Canadian radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission. Morin retired from Radio-Canada two years ago, after 34 years as a journalist, including…
Corporate control of information
A couple of interesting items this week about corporate control of public information: A major U.S. telco censored two lines in a telecast of the band Pearl Jam. The lines were critical…
Yahoo grilled over role in Chinese jailing
The behaviour of Yahoo and Google in China has long been controversial, because of allegations that the companies comply with Chinese censorship. Now Yahoo is on the hot seat before a U.S.…
Info-porn: enough already
From a report on the CBC web site: A survey conducted this July shows nearly nine out of 10 adult Americans believe there is too much coverage of celebrity scandals. Finally!!!!!Here’s the…
Climate change: misreporting?
A story by Mike De Souza of CanWest concerns a report blaming mainstream U.S. media for “stalled international efforts to reach an agreement to fight climate change.” An excerpt of the story:…