Category / Ethics
Live coverage from the Organization of News Ombudsmen 2011 Conference
What happens when you put dozens of public editors from around the world into the same room? Plenty of fascinating discussion on ethics, lessons learned, and the changing media landscape. We joined…
ASNE’s best practice guidelines for editors creating social news policies
In case you missed it, or haven’t had a chance to read the full report yet, here are the top 10 takeaways from the recently released American Society of News Editors guide…
The little lies that photos can tell
For all the fuss over presidential re-dos and digital fakery, Anne McNeilly writes that the tougher questions around truth in photojournalism are sometimes also the subtlest.
CAJ panel proposes ethics guidelines for digital age
The 2002-vintage ethics code of the Canadian Association of Journalists is certainly due for a revision—for one thing, it makes no mention of the Internet. Now, a panel of the association’s ethics…
“Aim for transparency”: CAJ releases guidelines for personal activity online
Where is the line between the personal and the professional when journalists interact with social media? In its latest report, released April 12, the Canadian Association of Journalists' ethics advisory committee presents…
When it comes to journos, what’s fair on Facebook?
When the Toronto Star‘s new social media policy leaked, many journalists were tempted to brand it with a fail stamp. Not so fast, says Star public editor Kathy English. In her April…
A Guardian audit, an “ethics examiner”, a slugger’s coverage and other rewards of an hour with a journal.
Sometimes I wonder why I still subscribe to academic journals in print, but tonight is not such a time. True, sooner or later, every journal’s content will be available in library databases…
CAJ ethics report: Journalists seeking political office
CAJ Ethics Report – Journalists Seeking Political Office 2010-10-29 by jsource2007 Feb. 12, 2016 Correction: The original version of this PDF was missing the last few paragraphs of this document. We have…
Reporter sponsored Haiti kids because “I am a human being first.”
Readers of the Toronto Star, inspired by the example of reporter Catherine Porter in sponsoring the education of three-year-old Lovely Avelus and of her cousin and friend, pitched in to send other…
Truth hurts? Tough. Report it, says Toronto Star’s public editor
The Toronto Star’s public editor, Kathy English, has rapped her paper’s decision to omit a reference to the last baby born at an iconic hospital. The baby died shortly after birth, and…