1309 results for “media on the move

We have found 1309 results with the word you searched.

Brought to you by J-Source: The top 27 books every j-student should read

After you're done checking out all the sites on our primer, take a break from the web, and get back into school-mode with a good book. We asked J-Source readers for their picks then added a few of our own.…


The end of silly season

While most of us lament the end of summer, writes Lisa Taylor, there is one thing to cheer: the end of silly season in news. An examination of how endless sunny days + slow news + journalist = lapse in…


Wordstock 2011 cancelled

Limited interest and limited resources have forced the cancellation of Wordstock, a daylong training and development symposium that has been held at Ryerson University for the last 15 years. J-Source's Alexandra Bosanac reports.…


Caught in the Web? Free speech and the Internet

by Melissa Shaw In response to the recent riots that occurred in parts of the U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron has considered blocking access to social media during violent events. Police have already made arrests, on charges of suspicion of…


Commenting on the dead: all in the timing?

When Christie Blatchford came under fire for critiquing Jack Layton’s letter to Canadians on the day of his death, the question became: how much should taste, and sensitivities of timing, encumber opinion journalism? J-Source's Ivor Shapiro thinks there’s another question:…


The Future of News: RTDNA

First-ever RTDNA digital chair Andrew Lundy and RTDNA president Andy LeBlanc talk optimistically on the shift toward digital, how it's changing journalism for the better, and why the recent name change is more than a simple letter swap; it's the…


Policing the borders means policing Canadian journalism?

Moments before Canada's Immigration Minister Jason Kenney delivered an important speech, Rabble journalist David P. Ball was kicked out of the press conference — despite having a press invite and the complimentary cookie they gave him in hand. This story…


“It is a sad time for newspapering in Ontario”: John Honderich

John Honderich opens his Monday column in the Toronto Star with these sage words: "Publishing a newspaper is not only a privilege, it also carries responsibilities."…


The future of news: Reporters and cameras

Reporters are now part of a content engine, cameras in hand. But how solid will that content be? Simon Doyle on the push for video. This story originally appeared in the Canadian Association of Journalists' Media Magazine.…


Community newspapers go mobile

Metroland Media has partnered with Toronto-based Polar Mobile to launch more than 500 mobile apps for 104 community newspapers.…
