Tag / CBC
CBC OMBUDSMAN: Balance and Perspective
The complainant, Jackie Thipthorpe, objected to a story about visitors at a veterinary school open house. The research project featured involved a cow with a fistula which enabled participants to reach into…
CBC Ombudsman: Truth Over Time
The complainant, Mary Spensley, disputed the accuracy of a story about an LGBTQ teaching tool created by the Alberta Teachers’ Association. She was also concerned that hostile politicians were using the information…
CBC Ombudsman: Keeping Cool in the Twittersphere
The complainant, Lara Dutton, objected to a CBC online writer expressing opinion while using the @CBCToronto twitter account. She wanted to know what the consequences were for the employee. There was a…
CBC Ombudsman: Trump vs. The NFL
The complainant, Dan Bourque, objected to CBC Halifax’s Mainstreet coverage of the President of the United States and his interactions with both NFL players and the Pittsburgh Penguins Continue Reading CBC Ombudsman: Trump vs. The NFL
CBC Ombudsman: The Opioid Crisis
The complainant, Geoffrey Donaldson, considered reporting about an increase in publicly-funded opioid prescriptions in New Brunswick misleading. He did not agree that there is any concern in the increase. He believed that…
Stronger together: How journalists can collaborate
Joint investigations have demonstrated the potential of working together for the greater good. Continue Reading Stronger together: How journalists can collaborate
CBC Ombudsman: The National
The complainant, Dieter Buse, objected to a Viewpoint segment by Robyn Urback, calling into question Canada’s desire for a seat on the UN security council. He thought it was a one-sided diatribe.…
CBC Ombudsman: The Rohingya Story
The complainant, Meer Sahib, thought the phrasing of a reference to the insurgent attacks that sparked the current action against the Rohingya people left the impression that the host of The National…
CBC Ombudsman: Provocative Opinion
The complainant, Mike McEwan, thought an opinion piece critical of the systematic mistreatment of Aboriginal people was expressed in a way that bordered on “hate speech.” There is a big difference between…
Carol Off’s new book raises questions about the reporter-source relationship
The As It Happen’s host helped the family of a source she interviewed in Afghanistan come to Canada. Continue Reading Carol Off’s new book raises questions about the reporter-source relationship