Year / 2013
CBC ombudsman review of The National television report on Syrian non-intervention
The CBC Office of the Ombudsman reviewed a complaint that asserted a CBC Television report on The National suggested a connection between Israeli geopolitics and international non-intervention in Syrian strife, but did…
Globe public editor: Bradley or Chelsea? How The Globe will refer to Private Manning
Although there is nothing specific in The Globe and Mail’s style guide, the practice for transgender people, has been to respect the wishes of the individual as to whether he or she…
Best practices for live chats
Sun Media's national media manager Monique Beech shares some of her tips for live blogging and keeping readers engaged.
WikiLeaks, l’affaire Manning, les journalistes d’investigation et la protection de leurs sources
Le soldat Bradley Manning a été condamné hier à 35 ans de prison pour avoir transmis à WikiLeaks des milliers de documents, constituant la plus importante fuite d’informations confidentielles de l’histoire des…
Globe public editor: A look at why comments are closed on some Rob Ford stories
The Globe and Mail's public editor Sylvia Stead responds to readers who questioned why comments were closed on the story about Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s recent trip to the Taste of the Danforth…
Globe public editor: Do readers want just the facts?
Readers responded to a column by The Globe and Mail's public editor Sylvia Stead, who said journalism is evolving, and experienced reporters should be free to use their knowledge to explain and…
Nine staff take Waterloo Region Record buyouts
Nine people have taken buyouts at the Waterloo Region Record, according to a memo obtained by J-Source, including city editor Harvey Taylor and assistant news editor Bill Bean.
Breakfast Television Montreal unveils its new broadcast studio
City unveiled its brand-new, 2,800-square-foot studio studio for its new Montreal Breakfast Television show. The show premieres Monday, Aug. 26 at 6 a.m.
CHUM: trois ans et demi pour obtenir un contrat
Le Journal de Montréal a dû attendre 42 mois avant de recevoir le contrat de Christian Paire, directeur général du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Montréal (CHUM). De nombreuses voix s’élèvent pour demander…
Toronto Star appoints new Travel and Homes editors
Adam Gutteridge has been appointed the travel editor of the Toronto Star. He replaces Jim Byers, who resigned from the position. The Star also appointed Jane Van Der Voort as editor of…